Friday, 5 May 2017


1.                     ABSTRACT:

     Education in every sense is one of the fundamental factors of development. No country can achieve sustainable economic development without substantial investment in human capital. It enriches people’s understanding of themselves and world. It improves the quality of their lives and leads to broad social benefits to individuals and society. Education raises people’s productivity and creativity and promotes entrepreneurship and technological advances. In addition it plays a very crucial role in securing economic and social progress and improving income distribution. This paper reviews the role of education in promoting economic well-being, with a particular focus on Indian economy.

2.           INTRODUCTION:
Skills and knowledge are the driving force of economic and social development for any country. Education sector plays a vital role in overall economic development of a nation. A nation's educational infrastructure offers a concrete system comprising of Primary education, Secondary education and Higher education.
Education provides a foundation for development, the groundwork on which much of our economic and social well-being is built. It is the key to increasing economic efficiency and social consistency. By increasing the value and efficiency of their labor, it helps to raise the poor from poverty. It increases the overall productivity and intellectual flexibility of the labor force. It helps to ensure that a country is competitive in world markets now characterized by changing technologies and production methods. By increasing a child’s integration with dissimilar social or ethnic groups early in life, education contributes significantly to nation building and interpersonal tolerance. 
The massive expansion of education in India has a significant contribution to economic development. The constitution of India has made education a fundamental right provisioning free and compulsory education for children age group of 6 to 14. Providing education by government and various private sector institutions to the masses in the country playing a crucial role in increasing the quality and the productivity of the labors and thereby increasing individual earnings. It further helps in reducing poverty and thereby enhancing nation’s economic development.

6.    Four alternative growth scenarios: putting education in the picture-    
                Education is an important factor in economic growth and development. Based on new education attainment data, researchers from IIASA suggest four scenarios to illustrate the impact of four alternative educational level distributions on annual GDP growth rates (Figure 1). These four scenarios roughly resemble alternative hypothetical education policy strategies for an developing country.
Scenario 1, presents the reference case of a country with a young age structure (70% of the working age population in the 15- to 40-year-old group and 30% in the 40- to 65-year-old group), a low starting level of income and investment rate and the following educational structure: half of the population with no formal schooling, 40% with some primary, and 10% with at least completed junior secondary school (but no tertiary education). The education groups used in the analysis (no education, primary, secondary, and tertiary) are non-overlapping. This roughly fits the demographic structure of some Latin American and African countries in the IIASA study sample, e.g., Guatemala, Honduras, Kenya, Rwanda or Uganda. On the basis of the estimated model, such a country would have rather slow economic growth.
Scenario 2, considers an otherwise identical country under the hypothetical assumptions that it has a long time ago met the Millennium Development Goal (MDG Goal 2) –‘achieve universal primary education’ – and that the previously uneducated half of the adult population now has primary education. This case would lead to somewhat higher average growth of GDP.
Scenario 3, considers a possible new MDG effort that adds widespread secondary education (assuming 50% of the population achieves at least some secondary schooling) to universal primary. The model simulations indicate that this additional investment in secondary education provides a huge boost to economic growth, over five times the level of the baseline scenario and also much more than in the scenario of universal primary education alone.
Scenario 4, which somewhat resembles the case of India, presents another possible direction of improvement from the baseline. In this scenario half of the population remains without education even though 5% have tertiary, 15% secondary, and 30% have primary education. This case of elitist education, in a country with half of the population without any schooling, clearly does better than the baseline and even better than the universal primary education combined with 10% secondary and no tertiary. However, falls far short of the economic growth implied by universal primary combined with 50% secondary and no tertiary education.
The two key conclusions to be drawn from these scenarios are:
 1. Education matters in economic growth .The scenarios show that investment in education pays off in terms of higher long-term economic growth. More specifically, the data enables researchers to explore the education effects of different age and education structures. The findings show that there are differences in the impact of educational attainment on economic growth across age groups. In particular, tertiary education of younger adults (20-39), for instance, matters more in terms of economic growth than that of older adults, while the opposite is the case for secondary education.
2. Make secondary education a goal In 2000 world leaders meeting in New York announced the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). One goal that featured prominently was that of universal primary education by 2015. These scenarios, however, highlight the benefits of complementing universal primary education with broad based secondary education. Only this step is likely to give initially poor countries the human capital boost that is necessary to bring large segments of the population out of poverty.


        Prior to the nineteenth century, systematic investment in human capital was not considered specially important in any country. Expenditures on schooling, on-the-job training, and other similar forms of investment were quite small. This began to change radically during this century with the application of science to the development of new goods and more efficient methods of production, first in Great Britain, and then gradually in other countries. During the twentieth century, education, skills, and the acquisition of knowledge have become crucial determinants of a person’s and a nation’s productivity. One can even call the twentieth century the “Age of Human Capital” in the sense that the primary determinant of a country’s standard of living is how well it succeeds in developing and utilizing the skills and knowledge, and furthering the health and educating the majority of its population. The past decades have seen extraordinary expansions in access to basic education throughout the Middle East. Many countries are now on the brink of a further increase in access to secondary and higher education and in effecting spectacular improvements in the quality of education offered at all levels.

Figure 2: Role of education in economic development

Education plays a notable role in economic development of an economy. It helps in human capital formation, increasing productivity, reducing poverty, women empowerment, social development, creating health awareness etc. through which economic development can be stimulated .which is shown in figure 2.These various roles of education in economic development  with special reference to a developing country India, are briefly discussed below


Human capital is a collection of resources—all the knowledge, talents, skills, abilities, experience, intelligence, training, judgment, and wisdom possessed individually and collectively by individuals in a population. Education is necessary for human capital formation. The problem of scarcity of tangible capital in the labor surplus countries can be resolved by accelerating the rate of human capital formation with both private and public investment in education .human capital, on the other hand, is an instrument of promoting comprehensive development of the nation because human capital is directly related to human development, and when there is human development, the qualitative and quantitative progress of the nation is inevitable. Recently published IIASA research proves that human capital formation plays a significant role in a country’s economic development.
        In India, rate of human capital formation has consistently increased after Independence due to qualitative improvement in each generation. In the second decade of 21st century, the third generation of India's population is active in the workforce of India. This third generation is qualitatively most superior human resource in India. It has developed the service sector of India with the export of financial services, software services, tourism services and improved the Invisible balance of India's Balance of payments. The rapid growth of Indian economy in response to improvement in the service sector is an evidence of cumulative growth of Human Capital in India.
Recently govt. of India has taken some initiative to provide more job oriented education to boost up supply of skilled labor and to enhance the economy towards developed. Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi launched the Skill India initiative – ‘Kaushal Bharat, Kushal Bharat’. Under this initiative, the government has set itself a target of training 400 million citizens by 2022 that would enable them to find jobs. The initiatives launched include various programs like: Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY), National Policy for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship 2015, Skill Loan scheme, and the National Skill Development Mission.
Ø Education and Productivity:

Clearly the educational provisions within any given country represent one of the main determinants of the composition and growth of that country’s output and exports and constitute an important ingredient in a system’s capacity to borrow foreign technology effectively. Health and nutrition, primary and secondary education contributes to the raising of productivity of workers both in the rural and urban part. Secondary education contributes to facilitate the acquisition of skills and managerial capacity. Tertiary education supports the development of basic science, appropriate selection of technological imports and the domestic adaptation and development of technologies. Both tertiary and secondary education more immensely contributes to the critical elements in the development of key institutions of the government, the law and the financial system among others.
The above discussion brings productivity to the economy through education thereby enhancing the economic development of a country. In this aspect India is no less in any manner. As a developing country, India has able to achieve such a level through advancement in education that today India remains as a top countries of the world, thereby increasing its economic development day by day. In many fields such as in case of nuclear weapon, in terms of marine equipment’s India remains in the 3rd place of the world. This achievement is genuinely due to the contribution of education to these sectors. If it continues to improve n same pace, the economic development of our country would definitely improve to larger extent.
Agriculture and Industry even suggests evidences that through education their productivity has improved a lot. Farmers are now able to use modern technologies which give them more output than through the use of traditional techniques. This point is even relevant to the industries as well. With new equipments there is more industrialization. Educated labor and workers are capable of using modern techniques and equipment in a proper way which paves the way for more output leading to economic development.
India is one of the world's largest producers of white rice and brown rice, accounting for 20% of all world rice production. The India's rice production reached to a record high of 104.32 million tons in 2011-2012 crop years (July–June). Along with it wheat is grown on 13 per cent of the cropped area of India. States like Punjab, Rajasthan, Gujarat, and West Bengal are some of the areas specialized in this category. This landmark of India as a developing economy is a great achievement. This brings a great economic development. 
Due to the presence of useful and educated workers, our country’s industrialization has achieved a considerably good position. It is now able to have a proper distribution of income, growth in international trade, good quality and quantity of investment into the country. The industrial policy of 1991 has a major impact on the economic development. Due to advancement of educational sector, the policy makers are now using this policy in an effective manner.

Ø Education reduces poverty:

Poverty is a major threat to the existence of humanity in modern times, especially in developing world. Investing in education is the most effective way of reducing poverty .No country has succeeded if it has not educated its people, as history repeats. Education and poverty are inversely related .The higher the level of education of the population, lesser will be the number of poor persons because education imparts knowledge and skills which is supportive in higher wages. The direct effect of education on poverty reduction is through increasing the earnings/income or wages. The indirect effect of education on poverty is important with respect to ‘human poverty’ because as education improves the income, the fulfillment of basic necessities becomes easier and raises the living standard which surely means the fall in human poverty. The education indirectly helps in the fulfillment of basic needs like water and sanitation, utilization of health facilities, shelter, and it also affects the women’s behavior in fertility decisions and family planning

Education in every sense is one of the fundamental factors of achieving sustainable economic development through investment in human capital. Education fosters self-understanding, improve quality of lives and raises peoples productivity and creativity thus promoting entrepreneurship and technological advance .in addition it plays very crucial role in securing economic and social progress thus improving income distribution which may consequently salvage the people from poverty.
Education provides a foundation for eradicating poverty and fostering economic development .education is the key to increasing economic efficiency and social consistency, by increasing the value and efficiency of the labor force and consequently raises the poor from poverty.
Technical and vocational education and training can create employment opportunities  for marginalize groups and at the same time integrate relevant learning skills .it can help youth find employment in green jobs in alternative energy supply, recycling , agriculture, transport and communication.

Ø Women empowerment:

            “A nation which does not educate its women cannot progress”
                                                                     HaciBektaşVeli (1208-1270)
    The subject of empowerment of women has becoming a burning issue all over the world including India since last few decades. Inequalities between men and women and discrimination against women have also been age-old issues all over the world. Thus, women’s quest for equality with man is a universal phenomenon.In India, the customs of purdha (veil system), female infanticide, child marriage, sati system (self-immolation by the women with their husbands), dowry system and the state of permanent widowhood were either totally removed or checked to an appreciable extent after independence through legislative measures.Two Acts have also been enacted to emancipate women in India. These are: Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 and the Compulsory Registration of Marriage Act, 2006. The Domestic Violence Act recognizes that abuse be physical as well as mental.
There was a time when women’s education was not a priority even among the elite. Since the last quarter of the 20th century and more so after the opening up of die economy, post-1991, a growing number of women have been entering into the economic field, seeking paid work (remunerative jobs) outside the family.
Women are playing bigger and bigger role in economic field: as workers, consumers, entrepreneurs, managers and investors. According to a report of The Economist, ‘Women and the World Economy’, in 1950, only one-third of American women of working age had a paid job.
We can now see women in almost every field: architecture, lawyers, financial services, engineering, medical and IT jobs. They have also entered service occupations such as a nurse, a beautician, a sales worker, a waitress, etc.
The rapid pace of economic development has increased the demand for educated female labour force almost in all fields. Women are earning as much as their husbands do, their employment nonetheless adds substantially to family and gives family an economic advantage over the family with only one breadwinner.
In spite of such drawbacks and hurdles that still prevail, Indian women (especially educated) are no longer hesitant or apologetic about claiming a share and visibility within the family, at work, in public places, and in the public discourse.

Ø Social development through education:

Education always has the great capacity to take forward the society from the darker side to the light of hope .it act as an essential instrument, for social and economic development .the hindrance to the societies developmental activities in the form of superstitions, practice of evil culture, dowry system, gender biasness etc. shakes the root of the society in negative way. To eradicate such obstacles education paves its way.
More than half of the people of a developing country like India live in the rural areas. Almost all the states in India are still backward like Bihar, Assam, UP, Rajasthan, etc. India is still known to have the largest slam areas in Mumbai which is evident even from space. These people are backward from all aspects though the country is developing in a better way. If education is provided to these areas then they would be literate, contributing immensely to the development of the economy. Through educational schemes, mass media etc. the knowledge, skills and perception of these people can be improved. These provisions to the people lead to the development of social and economic condition, therby raising the standard of living. No doubt that these processes require a large gestation period .But, we are always aware of the fact that one’s patience leads to a fruitful outcome. Thus, after a larger period of the transformation of the society, not only the people would develop themselves but contribute to development of a nation’s economy.

Ø Education and health awareness:
          India is a densely populated country where a large number of people live without access to the basic education and primary health facilities. The situation is more complex in rural villages comparing to the urban areas. Their houses are poorly established and do not have proper supply of water and electricity. They somehow manage little water from resources available at the distant places and hardly think of having shower, clean their cloths and renovate their shelters. In addition to their poor socio economic condition, another major cause of their sufferings is lack of education and public awareness.
Health awareness through education can be imparted into the minds of people. These benefits the people in the following ways:-
1.     To improve the knowledge and attitudes of patients about detection, treatment and control of disease.
2.     To promote the family and community educational material essential for positive lifestyle habits.
3.     To create public awareness about the ill-effects of alcohol, smoking and drugs, etc.
The above points focus to develop the people who can handle any critical situation. Below are the points which lead to the effectiveness of education:-
1.     To increase knowledge, attitude and skills of all health professionals regarding sign, symptoms and management strategies for health hazards to improve disease control.
2.     To encourage health professionals to treat patients carefully.
3.     To develop resource and material for use of health professionals.
4.     To promote research all over the world to curb health hazards.
5.     To encourage continuing educational programmes on accurate information on diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
Education in the schools can also act as an effective process for economic development of a nation. It is often said that children are the future of a nation. So, educating their mind would lead to the progress of the nation.
Many pharmaceutical companies in India are now introducing various medicines for the betterment of the health of the citizens to fight against diseases like swine flu, dengue, TB, cancer, Ebola, etc.

6.                        Findings:

ü Education plays vital role in economic development of a provides a foundation for development on which much of our economic and social well-being is built.
ü It plays crucial role in human capital formation, poverty reduction, women empowerment, social development, health awareness etc.
ü Education is a fundamental right and the basis for progress in every country. Parents need information about health and nutrition if they are to give their children the start in life they deserve. Prosperous countries depend on skilled and educated workers. The challenges of conquering poverty, combatting climate change and achieving truly sustainable development in the coming decades compel us to work together. With partnership, leadership and wise investments in education, we can transform individual lives, national economies and our world.
ü Only broad based secondary education and universal primary education is likely to give poor and developing countries the human capital boost necessary to bring large segments of the population out of poverty. For more industrialized countries, tertiary education of younger adults also plays a key role in economic growth.

7.               Suggestions:

      India is on the verge to be categorized as one of the developed countries in the world. But still there is brain drain from our country. Is it so because of the education system, i.e., the system is partially developed in some parts of our country and is not in the remote areas. The system should be symmetrical all over for the country to be developed. Without this there will continuation of brain drain as the country would not develop as a whole. Development of some parts of the country may contribute to development of the economy but partly. Complete development would require the whole nation to be educated, leaving none. This is because education broadens the minds of the people which will lead the citizens to be open about any view or what is wrong or right.
No doubt that the study of foreign theory in any subject is required for practical appliances. But some theories are made by the foreign writers on the basis of the situation that is relevant in their country. Will it help us if we study all such foreign topic or there is any requirement for the study of the topics which are relevant to our economy?
Being a student from the state of Assam we much concentrate regarding the topics related to our state. For example, we study the subject history for our 10th standard. In this part we go through various topics relating to the history of India and the World. But though we study history of Assam, it is very much less. We have the right to know the history of our state as much as our before generations are used to with the concept and knowledge of the history.
Such small things should be considered which; we think will contribute immensely to development of further education system in our country hence leading to the economic development.
Thus, macroeconomic policies of the nation should be focussed towards promotion of human development and subsequently economic development.

  1. The policies set by the government with regards to the education system needs a huge restructuring.
  2. Motivation and flexibility is the need of the hour. Scholarships, vocational training, availability of more choice based combinations and options should be made available so that the youth can choose in accordance to his preference and liking where he can individually outperform.
  3. The reservation should be eliminated. A financial support to the willing should be extended rather.
  4. Government should make the education reasonable and fees should be cut down the private institutions.
  5. The government run schools should be improved and equipped with better resources and facilities.
  6. Admissions to government run organizations should be made easier and flexible so that very few people turn to private sector. There by enabling growth in revenues and equality amongst the various financial sections.
  7. Private sectors should be more focused on manufacturing and industrial growth there by investing the amounts in creating better job opportunities and business propositions. Housing and medical facilities should be improved working hands-on with the government. Infrastructure and basic amenities should be focused upon. A nation’s financial well-being depends upon the financial well-being of its individuals.
  8. Poverty, illiteracy, unemployment and inequality still need an immense attention. The youth has a crucial role to play in the coming years. It’s time to empower the women and youth, to educate the disadvantaged and work towards the growth of financially weaker sections by way of indigenous and superfluous resources they need to be brought to the mainstream and education and awareness is the only ray of hope.

8.                      Conclusion:

From the above discussion we can find that education is indispensable to economic development. No economic development is possible without good education. A balanced education system promotes not only economic development, but productivity, and generates individual income per capita. Education is important for the development of human capital because a society of literate and skilled citizens has more chance of development at the economic and social level. It can reduce poverty and social injustice by providing the underprivileged resources and opportunities for upward social mobility and inclusion.

Education alone, of course cannot transform an economy. Though education plays a crucial role in the economic development but still our country is underdeveloped. This is because education has failed miserably to reduce poverty gaps, inequality, social injustice etc. Still today there are many states in India where people are uneducated, lives in a unhealthy environment. Indian education system has suffering from drawbacks such as outdated theory with no innovation or any practical work, law quality teaching, lack of equipments in school etc. The government has to take certain steps for the reduction of such drawbacks. Important should be given for quality education. So that education can boost the pace of economic development in the country.

9.             REFERENCES:
q Cooray, A. V. (2009). The role of education in economic growth. Proceedings of the 2009 Australian Conference of Economists (pp. 1-27). Adelaide, Australia: South Australian Branch of the Economic Society of Australia.
q MPRA Paper No. 9023, posted 8. June 2008 11:31 UTC
q The Human Capital Report 2015 
q Agrawal,Meenu,Education in third world and India,kanishka publishers,new delhi


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    Hot and sexy Rosamund Pike became from Hammersmith, England. Her dad and mom are each opera singers. Her father is Julian Pike, and her mom is Caroline Friend, who gave delivery to her on January 27, 1979, making her an Aquarius.
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    Born to parents’ Shelley and Jeff Upton, Katherine Elizabeth Upton, or generally called Kate Upton, is an American version born on June 10, 1992. In her early years, her own circle of relatives moved to Florida from Michigan, wherein she have become an equestrian and competed at a countrywide level.
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    Niharika Konidela is gearing up to start the brand new segment of her existence with Chaitanya Jonnalagadda. The stunning actress will input wedlock on Wednesday (December 9, 2020) in an auspicious rite, so one can be held at Udaipur’s Udaivilas Palace (Rajasthan).
    Jessica Yu Li Henwick turned into from Surrey, England, born on August 30, 1992. She is the daughter of a retired entrepreneur and author. Her mom is Chinese-Singaporean, whilst her father is Zambian-English.

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    Katherine Elizabeth Upton, or generally called Kate Upton, is an American version born on June 10, 1992. In her early years, her own circle of relatives moved to Florida from Michigan, wherein she have become an equestrian and competed at a countrywide level.
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    Rosamund Pike became from Hammersmith, England. Her dad and mom are each opera singers. Her father is Julian Pike, and her mom is Caroline Friend, who gave delivery to her on January 27, 1979, making her an Aquarius.
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  102. Hostel Daze season 2. The liked display will go back for some other season quite soon. In this streaming manual, I’ll inform you the entirety approximately it. With that said, let’s start.
    Regardless of whether you’re an enthusiast of customary neckwear or love to make a hitting style articulation with easygoing pieces, there’s no denying that each lady loves to embellish their neck area with shimmering and appealing pendants.
    The pain medication you receive online could be counterfeit in its type. In fact, over 5000 internet pharmacies have been caught by the Drug Enforcement Agency of the United States. Besides the counterfeit formulation of the medicines, many buyers self-prescribe their own pain medications.
    Anne Hathaway were given her first huge look in “Get Real,” which become quite staggering even if the TV collection become short-lived. It opened an possibility for the younger actress quickly to end up one of the maximum well-known actresses in Hollywood.
    Masturbation is a not unusualplace activity. It’s a herbal and secure manner to discover your body, sense delight, and launch built-up sexual anxiety. It happens amongst humans of all backgrounds, genders, and races.
    It is a dystopian drama web series. The series Leila is based on the novel named Leila by Prayaag Akbar. The novel was released in 2017.The filming of the series Leila was started in October 2018, and it was ended in February 2019. Let’s talk about Leila Season 2 in detail.
    Kasol and Kheerganga are two spots in the Parvati valley which are accumulated by the vacationer the entire year and is there any valid reason why they shouldn’t be? Parvati valley has incredible importance on the off chance that we pass by Hindu folklore and some might call this place a journey yet for the other half, Kasol remains as an objective with extraordinary experiences and spot for getting a little genuine feelings of serenity too.
    Houseplants are mainly popular for adding an extra edge of color and texture to homes or offices of various types and sizes. They are perfect for giving an elegant touch to any space within your living space to make it appear even brighter.
    Naomi Scott began out from being a Hollywood up-and-coming big name then advanced right into a actual princess. At least at the massive display and some of the aisles of Barbies and Disney princess dolls.

  103. Tessa Thompson proved to the many who she doesn’t want huge boobs and attractive ass to slay the ones tight strugglefare suits. And in case you aren’t satisfied enough, then experiment via our Tessa Thompson photographs and be surprised at how this actress/singer slew her showbiz career.
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    Daisy Ridley’s actual call is Daisy Jazz Isobel Ridley. As you dinner party your eyes with our compilation of warm Daisy Ridley images revealing her tight ass and superb boobs, we are able to provide you with extra statistics approximately this fierce and flexible actress.
    Bill Murray was born in Illinois and grew up reading children’s biographies of different American heroes and started his career as a golf caddy so that he could fund his studies. He also became one of the lead singers of a band called the Dutch Masters and became acquainted to the theater in high school and in different community theaters.
    Celebrity Birthday Today: Find out the well-known celebrities who’re celebrating their birthday today. Also get to recognize approximately the approaching and current birthdays of Bollywood, Hollywood actors.
    We all recognize how famous and crucial the photo-sharing app Snapchat has come to be in our lives. Not sharing a snap even as we’re out or consuming at a flowery eating place ain’t an alternative.
    Dua Lipa. A proficient songwriter, version, and singer, this girl additionally boasts of an great body. She has the suitable figure – sexy, well-toned, and proportional. Just with the aid of using searching at her photos, you can’t deny that she is certainly hot.
    Nathalie Emmanuel showcased an hobby in performing for an early age. Her Dominican mom by no means stopped Nathalie with regards to pursuing her goals; she supported her as a substitute via way of means of letting her sign up in Westcliff High School for Girls.
    Sachin Tendulkar’s daughter, Sara Tendulkar because the answer.Shubman Gill and Sara Tendulkar’s relationship rumours do now no longer appear to cease every time soon. The have continuously been withinside the information for his or her presence on every other’s social media accounts.

  104. WANT TO MAKE INDIA PROUD AT MISS UNIVERSE 2021’: HARNAAZ SANDHU Harnaaz Sandhu, however, is conscious that the street to the coveted festival might not be easy. So far, best Indians — actors Sushmita Sen (1994) and Lara Dutta (2000) — have received the identify of Miss Universe.

    PARTH SAMTHAAN ACES HANDSTANDS; HIS TRAINER SHARES WHY THEY ARE ‘WORTH IT’ Actor Parth Samthaan’s teacher Vijay Menon stated, “handstands may be quite tiring, however they are really well worth it”

    AMID KATRINA KAIF-VICKY KAUSHAL WEDDING RUMOURS, AKSHAY KUMAR ANNOUNCES SHE’S ‘SHAADI-READY’. CHECK OUT HER HILARIOUS TEST ON KAPIL SHARMA SHOW Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaif have been of their factors once they seemed on The Kapil Sharma Show. Katrina become a part of a hilarious take a look at in a makeshift kitchen with Kapil, Akshay and Archana Puran Singh quizzing her.

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    POLICE INVESTIGATE PEOPLE TAKING PARTIALLY NUDE PHOTOS NEAR RUSSIAN LANDMARKS Young human beings jailed for posting on-line sexually suggestive photos taken in Moscow, St Petersburg and elsewhere

    PAKISTAN SEAL T20 WORLD CUP SEMI-FINAL SPOT AS SOUTH AFRICA BOOST THEIR HOPES Pakistan (190-2) beat Namibia (a hundred and forty four-five) via way of means of forty five runs in Abu Dhabi South Africa (86-4) ease to Group 1 win over Bangladesh (eighty four)

    DAN LAWRENCE DIGS IN FOR FORGETTABLE INNINGS HE WILL LONG REMEMBER England No 3’s hour-lengthy 18 in Chennai have to had been approximately the toughest little stretch of batting he has needed to do

    THE GREAT TURN-OFF: HAS COVID PUT SINGLE MEN OFF SEX? Eighty in step with cent of American guys say intercourse is much less vital to them now than it changed into earlier than the pandemic. What’s going on?

    I’M A COMEDIAN AND BANTER IS MY JOB – THIS IS THE TRUTH ABOUT RACIST JOKES The Yorkshire cricket race row indicates humans are nonetheless claiming that abuse is simply applicable joshing. 

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    DO YOU FANCY PAUL RUDD? YOU’RE EITHER A SOCIOPATH OR A LIAR IF YOU SAY NO If you don’t believe People mag that the United States actor is the sexiest guy alive, there’s some thing incorrect with you

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    KGF 2 Release Date: Movie enthusiasts are watching for the KGF 2 film launch date for an extended time. Prashant Neel, Director of KGF films has made a large assertion at the KGF 2 launch date in India. 

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    Billie Eilish became born on 18th December 2001 in Los Angeles, California. Right from a completely younger age, she became interested by singing, writing and composing song herself.

  108. 60 SEXY AND HOT KATHERYN WINNICK PICTURES – BIKINI, ASS, BOOBS At forty two years old, this girl nonetheless has it! Her age does now no longer appear to have an effect on her attraction at all. Katheryn Winnick, a Canadian actress, is one of the appropriate girls at the planet.

    40 SEXY AND HOT GINA CARANO PICTURES – BIKINI, ASS, BOOBS If you don’t agree with that MMA and splendor can coexist, you then definately haven’t visible the attractive Gina Carano. From Muay Thai training, she rose to aggressive blended martial arts (MMA), and her profession handiest skyrocketed from there.

    BIG MOUTH’ SEASON 5 CAST & CHARACTER GUIDE, FROM HORMONAL TEENS TO HORMONAL MONSTERS Big Mouth dropped its 5th season on November fifth on Netflix. It is the tale of seventh-graders, Nick and Andrew, and all their pals (and enemies) at Bridgeton Middle School.

    41 SEXY AND HOT JENNA FISCHER PICTURES – BIKINI, ASS, BOOBS Born on March 7, 1974, this plus forty American actress is local to Indiana however now dwelling in Missouri. Her actual call is Regina Marie Fischer. She landed her first appearing function in 1998 in theatrical comedy, which brought about signing a settlement with an agent.

    THREE NEW SHORTS FROM DISNEY/PIXAR’S CARS Three new Shorty Shorts, brief motion pictures from Disney/Pixar’s CARS, characteristic a go back to Radiator Springs with Lightning McQueen, Red, Guido and Luigi.

    BELLA THORNE PACKS ON PDA WITHTWO-TIMING WOMAN FOR SEXY ‘IN YOU’ VIDEOWITH JUICY J Bella Thorne simply dropped her awesome horny video for ‘In You’ with Juicy J, which featured her rapping!

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    TOM BRADY SHARES RARE PIC OF OLDEST SON,JACK, ON HIS 14TH BIRTHDAY WITH LOVINGMESSAGE Tom Brady has gushed over his eldest son Jack, whom he shares with ex Bridget Moynahan, in honor of his 14th birthday.

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    Mohit Suri’s ‘Ek Villain Returns’ is about to launch on Eid 2022. The film stars Arjun Kapoor, John Abraham, Disha Patani and Tara Sutaria in lead roles.
    Daisy Ridley images revealing her tight ass and superb boobs, we are able to provide you with extra statistics approximately this fierce and flexible actress.
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    Masturbation is a not unusualplace activity. It’s a herbal and secure manner to discover your body, sense delight, and launch built-up sexual anxiety. It happens amongst humans of all backgrounds, genders, and races.
    Melanie Laurent has set up herself as one of the maximum a hit stars in French cinema. Though famous in her local country, this beautiful celeb has made her call recognised worldwide.
    Katherine Elizabeth Upton, or generally called Kate Upton, is an American version born on June 10, 1992. In her early years, her own circle of relatives moved to Florida from Michigan, wherein she have become an equestrian and competed at a countrywide level.
    The smartphone has slowly taken over our lives and now there are around three billion active smartphone users worldwide. With the smart feature, comes apps and free communication apps are on the top of the list.
    Penelope Cruz additionally commenced to come to be inquisitive about appearing and determined to sign up for casting calls. However, she were given a couple of rejections for being too younger.

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    DID GISELLE SOTO AND LUPILLO RIVERA QUIETLY TIE THE KNOT? Lupillo Rivera, 49, the brother of overdue Mariposa de Barrio subject , these days found out that there is a brand new female in his life.

    SHIGARAKI OF ‘MY HERO ACADEMIA’ HAS A CHILLING BACKSTORY AND CONNECTION TO DEATH The anime My Hero Academia offers enthusiasts masses of heroes and villains to fall in love with, debate approximately, and like to hate. When it involves the awful guys, a person clearly sticks out from the crowd. He’s the chief of his very own institution of criminals named Tomura Shigaraki.

    JENNI RIVERA DID NOT HAVE THE BEST LUCK WHEN IT CAME TO MARRIAGE Fans of the overdue Mexican-American singer Jenni Rivera are coming to study plenty approximately the existence and profession of the “Diva of Banda” way to a brand new 91-episode Telemundo collection referred to as Mariposa de Barrio, which lately arrived on Netflix.

    JONBENÉT RAMSEY’S BROTHERS HAVE SPOKEN OUT ABOUT THE 6-YEAR-OLD’S UNSOLVED MURDER After Dr. Phil found out wherein JonBenét Ramsey’s brother is those days, JonBenét’s nonetheless-unsolved 1996 homicide is getting any other exam on ABC on Friday, Jan. 15, with the 20/20 episode, “The List: Who Killed JonBenét?”

    THIS TIKTOK TREND WANTS TO KNOW: ARE YOU A BARBIE, BRATZ, OR FAIRY? The “Bratz, Barbie, or Fairy” TikTok fashion is precisely what it says at the tin. According to TikTok customers pal agencies may be looked after into 3 categories: individuals who are like Barbie dolls, individuals who encompass Bratz dolls, and fairy-like folks.

    THE RISE OF GRANNY PANTIES Rihanna poses on Instagram, lips pursed, come-hither stare firmly in place, carrying a hard and fast of yellow, excessive-waisted undies and a at ease, matching bralette. 3.6 million human beings “like” the post.

    TIKTOK’S SHAPESHIFTING FILTER IS MY NEMESIS There is a brand new TikTok fashion that’s meant to inform you whether or not you appear to be a Barbie, a Bratz doll, or a fairy.

    THE HYPE AROUND EXERCISE DRESSES, EXPLAINED The meme, “Every day I placed on my stupid little clothing and do my stupid little tasks,” correctly distills the ennui of pandemic life, which regularly appears like a online game — repetitive with little thrilling dialogue.

    LOW-RISE JEANS ARE BACK. DON’T PANIC. Some time in the past (as in, earlier than pants constructed from denim ceased to be a part of our every day wardrobes) I made a wager with a pal who stated that she’d by no means put on low-upward push denims once more.

  112. CALL THE MIDWIFE FINALE RECAP: NANCY’S FATE IS DECIDED (AND SISTER MONICA JOAN PLAYS A PART) — GRADE THE SEASON The following is a recap of the Call the Midwife finale, which changed into made to be had beforehand of broadcast to PBS Passport subscribers.

    DOOM PATROL EP EXPLAINS HOW THAT FINALE ENDING COULD LAUNCH A ‘NEW CHAPTER’ FOR THE GROUP IN SEASON 4 The Doom Patrol (or is it the Doom Force?) has a modern day challenge following Thursday’s 0.33 season finale — large genitalia beware!

    STARGIRL FINALE RECAP: WHO SHOWED UP FOR SEASON 2’S FINAL FIGHT? — PLUS, [SPOILER] IS COMING FOR SEASON 3 In the DC’s Stargirl Season 2 finale, it became all arms on deck (after which some!) because the JSA took on Eclipso. Once the dirt settled, who became toast? Who determined to go away/stay? And who’s at the way?

    WONDER WOMAN MELEE: LYNDA CARTER V. ADRIANNE PALICKI, ERICA DURANCE AND 9 OTHERS — VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE As Wonder Woman steals the highlight from Batman and Superman on the container workplace this weekend.

    PEN15 SETS DECEMBER DATE FOR SEASON 2B — WATCH TRAILER FOR NEW EPISODES The upcoming holiday season just got a little more awkward, courtesy of PEN15‘s return for Season 2B.

    THE CHI FINALE: IS [SPOILER] GONE? ‘HE OVERPLAYED HIS HAND,’ EP SAYS In 2020, Showtime’s The Chi ended Season three with a glad accumulating at Emmett’s new BBQ restaurant, a feel-proper accumulating… that ended unexpectedly with the homicide of not going hero Ronnie.

    FOURTH STIMULUS CHECK UPDATE: PETITIONS FOR MONTHLY $2K PAYMENTS NEARS 4 MILLION SIGNATURES Seven ongoing petitions calling for President Joe Biden and Congress to supply month-to-month stimulus exams of $2,000 in the course of the pandemic are actually nearing four million signatures collectively—as COVID-19.

    DMX UPDATE: RAPPER REMAINS ON LIFE SUPPORT AS LUENELL RIP MESSAGE SPARKS DEATH RUMORS DMX remains on lifestyles assist and his own circle of relatives will make a announcement later today, his supervisor has showed following greater rumors the rapper had died.

    GOOGLE DOODLE CELEBRATES ÁNGELA PERALTA, THE MEXICAN OPERA SINGER Today’s Google Doodle celebrates the overdue Mexican opera singer Ángela Peralta, who became additionally a pianist, harpist and composer.

    VIDEO OF ‘SUPERNATURAL CREATURE’ WALKING ON BRIDGE LEAVES VIEWERS PUZZLED Avideo of a peculiar white parent taking walks on a bridge in japanese India has triggered a stir on social media. Users have wondered the origins of the “supernatural creature,” with a few claiming it can be an alien or a ghost.

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    Masturbation is a not unusualplace activity. It’s a herbal and secure manner to discover your body, sense delight, and launch built-up sexual anxiety. It happens amongst humans of all backgrounds, genders, and races.
    Melanie Laurent has set up herself as one of the maximum a hit stars in French cinema. Though famous in her local country, this beautiful celeb has made her call recognised worldwide.
    Kate Upton, is an American version born on June 10, 1992. In her early years, her own circle of relatives moved to Florida from Michigan, wherein she have become an equestrian and competed at a countrywide level.
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    Melanie Laurent has set up herself as one of the maximum a hit stars in French cinema. Though famous in her local country, this beautiful celeb has made her call recognised worldwide.
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    AYA ASAHINA, KENJIRO YAMASHITA ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE Model-actress Aya Asahina and Sandaime J-SOUL BROTHERS’s Kenjiro Yamashita lately introduced that they have got tied the knot.

    ASHLEY GRAHAM WENT FULLY NUDE IN HER LATEST BABY BUMP PIC, AND SHE LOOKS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING Ashley is documenting each lovely second of her being pregnant journey!Ashley Graham can’t wait to satisfy her toddler boy!

    NO TIME TO DIE’ WINS AT 2021 HOLLYWOOD MUSIC IN MEDIA AWARDS: FULL LIST OF FILM MUSIC WINNERS The music, co-written via way of means of Billie Eilish and Finneas O’Connell, gained a Grammy for satisfactory music written for visible media on March 14.

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    ‘ATTACK ON TITAN’: NEW IMAGE FOR FINAL SEASON PART 2 SHOWS THE PATH EREN HAS TAKEN The liked anime Attack on Titan has launched a brand new photograph beforehand of the second one a part of the very last season.

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